“Als je mij op een onbewaakt moment vraagt wie ik ben of wat ik doe, begin ik standaard bij het eind. Met wollige woorden en steevast verkeerde keuzes, kom ik soms bij het begin.

  Ik ben meisje omgekeerd.

En ik heb geen begin nodig.”



Huidekoper's work is purely intuitive, allowing the magical worlds to flow through her onto the paper. During this process, she is always searching for clarity and honest connection with others, not shying away from the dark. Light that shines on darkness, softens.

To is driven by an inexhaustible curiosity in the psychological and emotional state of us as human beings. In which she particularly wants to encourage women to reclaim their feminine power, bundled with a healthy dose of masculine energy.

Her art is a beautiful, exciting dance of contradictions. Literally through the use of white space or colors. But certainly also less visible, making the tactile artworks both intimate and vulnerable, but also powerful and outspoken.

For her, it is irrelevant to visualize things as they really are.

Huidekoper uses different techniques and materials and it is never entirely clear up front what will manifest on the canvas, until creativity takes over and she is guided by the wonder of unconsciousness.


From an early age To has been fascinated by the power of visual language. Growing up amongst her mother's etchings and black ink, she developed a refined taste for aesthetics and beauty with a dark edge. 

But like many of us, formed for society, she first enriched herself with a number of commercial jobs. Until it wore her down and creativity took over.

Nowadays To spend her days working in the studio and creating new art, or preparing for an upcoming exhibition.

Regularly, she exhibits her beautiful work. Stay tuned. .